Packet Radio

Packet radio is a particular digital mode of Amateur Radio ("Ham" Radio) communications which corresponds to computer telecommunications. The telephone modem is replaced by a "magic" box called a terminal node controller (TNC); the telephone is replaced by an amateur radio transceiver, and the phone system is replaced by the "free" amateur radio waves. Packet radio takes any data stream sent from a computer and sends that via radio to another amateur radio station similarly equipped. Packet radio is so named because it sends the data in small bursts, or packets.

BPQ32  Packet  BBS  VE1MPF

Telnet Address: 8010
User name will be your call sign.

A password is required to gain access and one of your choice can be requested. Indicate your choice and send to VE9SC with your name and call sign. You will be advised as soon as it is set up.

Two DX Clusters at VE9SC are also available:

No password required.  Just sign in with your call sign.

Winlink RMS is also available via the VE9MPF-7 Node VHF /Telnet access.

Internet e-mail server to packet connection is also available. Instruction on its use will be sent on request. “PuTTY,” a free Telnet application and MS TelNet are also available.

Please email Stephen VE9SC if you need any help with Telnet access or wish a password to the BBS.

Take care 73

Packet Project Meeting

Did you know we host learning sessions every Thursday night at 7:30pm on Jitsi Meet? No Packet Station is required to attend or participate. Please email to request access to the meeting. Hope to see you there!

​​MAARC Packet Station - VE9MSR

Radio: Motorola MCX100 25W on 147.420MHz (Moncton LAN)
TNC: Kantronics KPC-3
Antenna: Dual band antenna on the tower
Terminal: Desktop using TeraTerm.
Call Signs: VE9MSR for keyboard, VE9MSR-1 for Mail Drop