Local Repeaters
CLICK HERE for a downloadable list of all local repeaters.
The repeaters below are owned by the Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club.
The club owns six of the local repeaters listed below:
VE9TCR 147.345 +
VE9TCF 145.170 -
CTCSS Enc/Dec 114.8hz
Fundy Park Repeater hard linked to VE9SHM/R
VE9MFR 146.625 -
C4FM Fusion Repeater
FM CTCSS Enc/Dec 103.5hz
VE9SHM 449.325 -
UHF Link Hub Repeater
Hard link to VE9TCF Fundy Park
Hard link to VE1SPR(VHF) Springhill, NS
Link to VE9SBR 147.225 + CTCSS 123.0hz
Link to VE9TCR 147.345 +
VE1RPT 146.880 -
VE9MCT 444.575 +
CTCSS Enc 82.5hz
Privately owned repeaters:
DMR VE9DMR 146.925 - CC1
For talkgroup details click hereP25 VE9ARC 147.195+ NAC $293
Hardlinked to analog repeater VE9MCT via Digital/Analog link.
Recommended Repeater Operating Procedures
Use simplex wherever possible freeing the repeater for necessary uses.
Monitor the repeater (listen) or determine if the repeater is in use, and if there are any peculiarities in its operation. After listening for a few seconds, identify, un key and listen to see if it was quiet for a reason, and to allow someone to let you know if there is a reason not to continue (low audio, low signal strength, etc). Then, if all OK, proceed.
Don’t break into a contact unless you have something to add. Interrupting is no more
polite on the air than it is in person. Interruption without identification constitutes malicious (and illegal) interference.
Use the minimum power to key up the repeater. To make contact, simply indicate that you are on frequency. For example "VE1ZZZ monitoring". Do not kerchunk.
Remember amateur radio transmissions are being monitored by many non-hams with scanners. Watch your language and your manners. Please don't bring disrepute on the Amateur Radio Service.
Repeaters are intended to facilitate mobile and portable operation. During rush hours, base stations should relinquish the repeater to commuting mobiles. Some repeater owners have strict rules requiring this.
Keep transmissions short and thoughtful. Do not monopolize the repeater. Pause between transmissions to allow other amateurs to identify themselves if they wish to use the repeater. Pausing also allows the timer to reset, avoiding a "time-out"
Identify legally. In Canada that means at the beginning and end of a contact and every thirty minutes of operation.
Repeaters are installed and maintained at considerable expense and inconvenience. Regular users of a repeater should financially support the individual or club owner in their efforts to keep the repeater working properly.
Mobile repeater trailer VE9MCD 145.410- (Note: Only operational when activated)